Latest Broadband Deals
BE Broadband £7.50 Offer To End Tomorrow
BE Broadband ( has confirmed that its £7.50 per month BE Value Broadband offer will end tomorrow, the 27th April.
New customers wishing to take advantage of this offer and save themselves £75, must order the BE Value package online at the website before midnight, after which the monthly price will return to £13.79.
Providing broadband speeds up to 8Mbps with a 40GB monthly usage allowance, BE Value Broadband also includes upload speeds up to 1.3Mbps and a free wireless router.
BE Broadband is widely regarded as one of the fastest ADSL broadband suppliers in the UK, generating speeds up to 24Mbps with its BE Unlimited Broadband package.
Owned by O2, BE Broadband is available to around 75% of UK homes where the ISP has unbundled telephone exchanges and inserted its own equipment.
Readers can find out more information at BE’s official website.
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