Latest Broadband Deals
BE Broadband 2 Months Free Deal Nearing End
BE Broadband’s ( July offer of 2 months free home broadband is drawing to a close with the offer due to end this Saturday.
The web exclusive offer applies to the BE Unlimited and BE Pro Broadband packages that are available on 12 month contracts priced at £17.88 per month and £21.97 a month respectively.
New customers signing up online at the website can generate savings of up to £43.94 provided they remember to use BE’s special discount code ‘FREEMONTHS’ when prompted during the online ordering process.
Both BE Unlimited and BE Pro broadband packages provide download speeds up to 24Mbps with BE Pro offering increased upload speeds up to 2.5Mbps compared to BE Unlimited’s 1.3Mbps.
Free customer support and a free wireless router is included in both packages.
BE Broadband was recently awarded ‘Best Consumer Fixed Broadband’ by the Internet Service Providers’ Association (ISPA).
Readers can find out more about the BE Broadband 2 months free offer at their official website.
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