Complaints About Broadband Providers Fall In 2009

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Complaints About Broadband Providers Fall In 2009

Complaints about the UK’s broadband providers have fallen significantly during the first six months of 2009.

The Office of Fair Trading’s Consumer Direct service has revealed that there were 6,256 complaints about broadband suppliers in the first part of this year, representing a circa 16% drop compared to the same time last year.

This means the UK’s internet service providers (ISP’s) have fallen three places in Consumer Direct’s league table study of the most complained about services in the UK.

The ISP’s now lie tenth on the table, while second hand cars brought from independent dealers remain top. Mobile phone service agreements along with TV’s and mobile phone handsets also feature highly.

The complaints that have been made mainly involve defective goods and poor service issues.

The latter will come as no surprise to broadband users as most are disappointed with at least one aspect of their service, with speed and connection problems often being the most complained about issues.

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